WordPress Tools: MW Next/Previous

This plugin generates links for the previous and next posts; the difference between these functions (mw_next_post and mw_previous_post) and the default WordPress functions next_post and previous_post is that the new functions accept prefix and postfix strings as the third and fourth parameters of the function.

Functional Reference

<?php mw_next_post('format', 'next', 'prefix', 'postfix', 'title', 'in_same_cat', limitnext, 'excluded_categories' ?>
format (string)
Format string for the link. % in the string will be replaced with the hyperlink, so 'Go to %' would generate "Go to <a href=..." Defaults to '%'.
next (string)
Link text to display. Defaults to 'next post: '.
prefix (string)
A string that is inserted just before the link. This can be any string, including character entities such as &larr; (left arrow) and Unicode references such as &#8676; (leftwards arrow to bar). Defaults to '' (null string).
postfix (string)
A string that is inserted just after the link. This can be any string, including character entities such as &larr; (left arrow) and Unicode references such as &#8676; (leftwards arrow to bar). Defaults to '' (null string).
title (string)
Should be 'yes' or 'no'. Indicates wehther the title should be used in the link text. If 'yes', it will immediately follow the 'next' string. Defaults to 'yes'.
in_same_cat (string)
Should be 'yes' or 'no'. Indicates whether the next post displayed should be from the same category. Defaults to 'no'.
limitnext (integer)
Function unknown. Defaults to 1.
excluded_categories (string)
A list of category IDs from which the next post should not be taken. Defaults to '' (null string).
<?php mw_previous_post('format', 'previous', 'prefix', 'postfix', 'title', 'in_same_cat', 'limitprev', 'excluded_categories') ?>
format (string)
Format string for the link. % in the string will be replaced with the hyperlink, so 'Go to %' would generate "Go to <a href=..." Defaults to '%'.
previous (string)
Link text to display. Defaults to 'previous post: '.
prefix (string)
A string that is inserted just before the link. This can be any string, including character entities such as &rarr; (right arrow) and Unicode references such as &#8677; (rightwards arrow to bar). Defaults to '' (null string).
postfix (string)
A string that is inserted just after the link. This can be any string, including character entities such as &rarr; (right arrow) and Unicode references such as &#8677; (rightwards arrow to bar). Defaults to '' (null string).
title (string)
Should be 'yes' or 'no'. Indicates wehther the title should be used in the link text. If 'yes', it will immediately follow the 'next' string. Defaults to 'yes'.
in_same_cat (string)
Should be 'yes' or 'no'. Indicates whether the previous post displayed should be from the same category. Defaults to 'no'.
limitnext (integer)
Function unknown. Defaults to 1.
excluded_categories (string)
A list of category IDs from which the previous post should not be taken. Defaults to '' (null string).